I saw this path on a recent hike and it got me feeling all philosophical. As you can probably tell, I am generally a happy, goofy gal. But like everybody, not everything in my life is smooth sailing. I've been kind of down lately about a certain important life matter. It simply hasn't happened as quickly as I would've liked. But I sort of had an eureka moment the other day. My friend P had asked me if I wanted to join a group trip that she was planning. At first I thought, no, before I resolve this life issue X, I cannot allow myself to have fun, I must devote all of my effort and energy to issue X. But then again, I thought, hey that's the wrong attitude. We shouldn't let our lives and our happiness to be dependent upon a single factor, no matter how important it is. I will still work very hard on it and if it happens, I will consider myself very blessed. But if not, I will bravely carry on with the journey of life and still be the happy bubbly person I am. So I wrote back to P, and told her that I'd be happy to go on a trip to relax. Hey, I've earned it :-)

On our way up we saw these fossils from millions of years ago when this mountain was on the bottom of the ocean. Aren't they amazing?

And ran into a waterfall...hundreds of years ago, Native Americans probably stood at the same spot collecting water.

Yay, we have conquered the peak (sort of)! Eh, I don't want to boast, but in case you can't tell, this is the Himalayas... global warming has melted away the snow :-)
Those seashells are amazing.
And I'm so glad you decide to come on the trip! Enjoy life; everything else will fall into place eventually. Things just happen fast or slow, but never when you expect :)
Yeah, I'd agree with the sentiment. You can't plan your life and make things happen just when you want it. I'm learning that the hard way too. I'd recommend that you read "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" (yes, I know, cheesy). I thought it really helped to refocus me on things that I can do, instead of the things that I can't change.
I know, it's amazing to see something that old in front of you... maybe prehistoric peeps had a clam bake there.. hehe.
CG, could you give me an executive summary on the 7 habits... me too lazy to read...
Better yet, download it onto your iPod for free.
Google it. There's a short summary on line somewhere. In a sentence: work on yourself (become independent) and then work on working with others to achieve things one cannot achieve alone (interdependence).
Not sure how CG is suggesting it applies to letting go of things you can't control, but it's definitely all about taking the bull by the horns regarding things you can control.
Yeah, I do think the book focuses on taking control of a particular situation that you're unhappy with. For me, it also helps me to stop lamenting about things that I can't control. It redirects your focus on the positive, not on the negative. At least that's the message that I got out of it.
CG - Redirect focus on the positive not negative? I could've told'ya for free!
aw... cat! i will definitely help you work even harder at it so there are no regrets later. and all the while, you can just be your happy wonderful self. -h
Awww H, you are so sweet!
Hey... whey didn't you take ME there when I visited you? :-(
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