Shen Jian Bao in Shanghai! Ahhhhhh! Soooo good, golden and crispy on the bottom, fluffy and soft on top, mouth watering pork filling! Ah... Whenever I see SJB, I am reminded of just how much better we Shanghainese are over all other Chinese (best cuisine, prettier, urbane, prettier, oh already said that, kekeke). Yeah, we could be kind of full of ourselves sometimes, but what can I say, we are the Pearl of the Orient! Hmph.

Photo courtesy of
materialistic, gold digging, spendthrifts, snooty, vain, shrill, egotistical....
don't forget humility and modesty. -J
Pearls before swine (filling)...?
Yummy...swine. Inside shen jian bao.
You guys are just jealous! And of course we are very humble and modest -- so much so that I intentionally left those off of my list of what makes us Shanghainese great (didn't want to rub in too much :-)... Ah, we are so awesome!
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