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Monday, July 21, 2008

El Puerto Escondido

I was going to teach R Chinese lessons and at J's suggestion, we went to check out El Puerto Escondido (for some reason we thought food would induce learning, boy were we wrong!). Overall, I really liked the place, the food was sincere and down to earth, unlike the overpriced fares at Kabuki and The Hungry Cat.

We had Campechana. I liked it, but thought it was a bit watery, and we could do without the avacado on top. (though on second thought, it tasted rather good with the seafood...hmmm, maybe I didn't like the avacado for aesthetic reasons)

This dish looks a bit disfigured on the left, the right is all fresh and pretty but the brown blob on the left is actually grilled butterfly shrimp... it tasted good though.

And the star of the evening! I forgot what it is called. Basically it's fresh oysters on the half shell with salsa on top. The salsa was divine! I liked the salsa even more than the oysters.

As for our Chinese lesson, sadly I was too busy eating and totally forgot to teach my Chinese lessons. In fact, I ate more than R, my student. Sniff, sniff, I have failed as an educator! Now, if I could only have another half dozen of those oysters to ease my sorrows...


Anonymous said...

I see you are sticking to your strict abs fulfilling diet. Everything looks so healthy and nutritious, especially the blob of stuff. We should post before and after pics the day after Labor Day for our unbiased judges to decide.


Cat said...

NOOOOOO, we are not posting those pics! Let's not embarrass ourselves for eternity, haha...

Anonymous said...

I sense some FEAR in you. Can we just agree that I won and get this thing over with? 8-) What's my prize?


Cat said...

Hmmm, perhaps we can change the rule of this contest to whose waist has expanded the most!